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How to live a more minimalist lifestyle in 2023

Perfection is a myth, and focusing on improving rather than beating yourself up when you've made a "mistake" is key. Picture from Shutterstock.
Perfection is a myth, and focusing on improving rather than beating yourself up when you've made a "mistake" is key. Picture from Shutterstock.

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Are you someone who is looking to simplify your life? Over the last couple of years, minimalism has taken the world by storm.

In its simplest form, minimalism is about striving to only use things that serve a purpose. It's about living a simple life and having only what you need to go about your daily routine.

Contrary to popular belief, this lifestyle isn't defined by cold environments, barren walls or empty apartments. Instead, it's all about embracing the idea of owning exactly what you need, rather than focusing on superfluous items or belongings that don't serve a purpose or add value to your life.

With this in mind, it is no wonder that so many people are striving to live a minimalist lifestyle in today's world of excess and extravagance.

Looking to declutter your life (and mind) as we usher in the new year? Luckily, we've got the perfect beginner's road map for getting on a path to living a more simple and minimal lifestyle at home and in life.

Today, we share 6 tips for embracing minimalism in the upcoming year of 2023, so read on to find out more!

Declutter your space

It is no guarded secret that clutter is essentially the antithesis of a minimalist lifestyle, making decluttering one of the most important steps to take as we quickly enter the new year.

The simple fact is that minimalists own fewer possessions, and as a result, their homes feel calmer, more peaceful and less stressful.

If you're guilty of holding on to unnecessary clutter (including clothes...because who isn't?) now is the perfect time to consider giving items away, donating them to charity or selling them online. You could even consider a shipping container hire to store larger items to sort out at a later date.

The same rule applies to items that are broken, damaged or defective - if something isn't working, it's time to get rid of it. If you're still having trouble deciding on what to keep or toss, we recommend asking yourself the following questions:

  • Do I need it?
  • When was the last time I used it?
  • What would I use if I didn't have it?
  • Why do I have it?

By asking yourself these important questions, you will be much better able to ascertain whether an item is helping you create the home that I want or is it actually distracting from it.

If the mere thought of decluttering your home brings you more stress than it does serenity, we urge you to take it one step at a time.

You may not be able to declutter your entire home in one day (or even one week), but you can make a little bit of progress when you slowly chip away at the task. Consider tackling one room at a time, and then notice the instant difference that it makes.

Shop quality, not quantity

Despite what many people believe, minimalism isn't about never purchasing anything ever again. Rather, when it comes to shopping, minimalists focus on intentional purchases and always prioritise quality over quantity.

This means investing in items that are well made and will last you a lifetime, rather than wasting money on cheaper equivalents that need to be replaced in a matter of weeks or months.

At the end of the day, the point is not that you can't treat yourself to something new. Instead, it's all about being conscious of what you buy and bring into your home (and life).

Whether you're purchasing new shoes, furniture or a handbag, invest in quality pieces that will last you for years to come. You'll thank yourself later

Learn more about how you can shop like a minimalist in this article.

Top Tip: Even though a higher price tag may seem like an initial downside, you'll likely save more money in the long run by cutting down on frequent, low-quality purchases.

Invest in reusables

Are you guilty of having dozens of unused plastic grocery bags strewn all around your home or kitchen? As you slowly ease into a more minimalist lifestyle in 2023, one of the best things you can do for yourself (and the planet) is to consider investing in reusable items.

Reusable items save you a ton of money in the long run, and are a great way to eliminate clutter, reduce waste and reduce your carbon footprint.

One simple example is investing in keep cups or reusable glass water bottles instead of single use coffee cups and plastic water bottles.

Other ideas include always bringing a reusable bag to the supermarket, rather than spending unnecessary money on single-use plastic bags that often end up in landfill.

You could also consider purchasing your ingredients and dry goods from bulk food stores to reduce packaging waste and save money on your monthly grocery bill.

Explore six ways minimalism and zero-waste go hand in hand in this article.

Simplify your diet

Minimalism is so much more than just how your apartment looks or the items you own - in fact, this concept also applies to what you put into your body.

The food we consume has a major impact on physical and mental health, and a well-balanced diet is a proven way to help us think clearly and feel more alert. In its simplest form, eating a minimalist diet means keeping your food choices simple.

It's all about avoiding processed or packaged foods and additives, and instead, focusing on high quality ingredients, simple recipes and seasonal produce.

This is not to say that someone living a more minimalist lifestyle never eats packaged and processed food or takeout meals.

Simply that most of a healthy minimalist diet consists of simple, whole foods. More importantly, a minimalist diet is a pattern of eating that doesn't eliminate any particular food groups or force you to adhere to any strict rules. It's all about ditching fad diets or trends and nourishing your body simply and more intuitively.

Learn more about eating like a minimalist here.

Invest in experiences

You know what they say, collect moments and not things! A popular practice in minimalism is prioritising experiences over buying things.

Instead of wasting money on unnecessary items, consider being intentional with where you put your money by investing in experiences that help to create long lasting memories with the ones closest to you.

Whether it's using the money you have saved to book a holiday for the family or treating yourself to a much deserved afternoon at the spa, start working your way through your bucket list and get reacquainted with the joy of doing things vs owning things.

Contrary to popular belief, minimalism isn't all about being frugal or penny pinching. In fact, one of the greatest perks of this lifestyle is that it frees time, money and energy to focus on your greatest passions and the ones you love. We truly can't think of anything better.

Be kind to yourself and keep trying

Last but not least, the journey towards minimalism isn't one without obstacles and hiccups along the way. Perfection is a myth, and focusing on improving rather than beating yourself up when you've made a "mistake" is key.

The truth is there are going to be times where your home feels cluttered, or when you purchase something that you don't really need. You are human, after all!

What matters most, however, is that you don't give up on your quest for simplicity just because you've strayed off the trail.

Just start over at the top, breathe in, and keep trying. Learn to turn your focus towards how far you've come, and stop stressing about how far you've got to go. Remember - it's a marathon, not a sprint!

And there you have it - six ways you can embrace a more minimalist lifestyle in 2023.

Are you aiming to live a more minimal lifestyle at home and in other parts of your life? Be sure to share your personal thoughts, tips, and lessons learned in the comments section below!